The WHY Behind Salt and Light

Salt and Light Culture was birthed from the desire to share God’s word and His love!  I developed a passion for message t-shirts and purchased quite a few! While wearing them out in public, people will give me a high five, or a simple smile, or a nod to let me know that they are in agreement with the words.  Some will say, "That’s right sister, Amen," or "You better say it!"  Many tell me how the words on my shirt encourage and bless them in the situation they are currently facing.  

When God gives me a word for the season I am in, I start looking for t-shirts that will minister to not only me, but others as well, because I know someone else needs that same word.  Many times, I cannot find the words on a t-shirt or a design that I like, so guess what?  I decided to create my own!  My passion became my purpose!

We are called to be SALT and LIGHT in this uplift, inspire, educate, and empower others in words and actions.  We speak God's word and show His love, so why not wear it as well!  I truly believe we are blessed to be a blessing!